If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return your order to the warehouse for a Full Refund, there is no restocking fee or any other hidden fees. You just need to ship item back to use, please include your order information. You can ship your return with any carrier, we do not provide free return label.
You can return your purchase for up to 30 days, from the moment you received a package from us. Products MUST be unworn in the brand new condition and in original box/packaging. Please include information about your order, it will help us to proceed your return faster.
Once we received package from you, refund will be issued within 1-3 business days, credit will be automatically applied to your original method of payment, depending on your credit card company it may take up to 1-7 business days after refund is applied to appear on your account.
International orders
International customers are responsible for costs associated with return shipping, and you can mail the product(s) back to us using the carrier of your choice.
Return Address:
Sport Tech
3115 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn, NY, 11235
(718) 616-1624
Our story
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